Welcome to the Mentorship and Coaching page! This page and content is still under development and will be available soon! Read below for a brief overview of what’s to come.




As far as Mentorships go, I’m looking forward to working with anyone new to teaching yoga, but not limited to yoga. If you are a new instructor and embarking on this amazing journey of teaching others the incredible science and art of yoga, it can be or seem very daunting and overwhelming; where to begin, how do I market myself, who am I as an instructor, what do I charge, how do I craft a well rounded class, how do I approach yoga studios or gyms and so on and so on. Or maybe you are looking for some renewed energy and focus in your teaching? Maybe you want to move away from teaching several classes a week and find more ways to make money and grow yourself or your brand beyond teaching public classes? Interested in hosting/leading retreats? All of these things and much more I have experience with and can be of help. Message me, let’s see if working together in this way can be helpful for you in growing and expanding as a teacher!

The Coaching offering is open to anyone looking to get their life together or back on track moving forward in a positive and productive way that feels really good and ‘right’! Someone looking to gain some much needed focus and clarity, seeing their life through a new lens so to speak; enabling them to live a life that is rich with all the things they love to do and with the people they care about most! We will work together on creating the most ‘Optimal Life’ possible with new tools, new language, new insights and brand new productive habits; leaving behind old stories and experiences that may be holding you back, stifling you and even causing pain and stress in your body and mind. Let’s clear it up, add some good ingredients to the mix and create the best life ever!

If after reading the above brief descriptions of what will eventually be a much more defined and clear ‘Mentorship and Coaching’ page, your interested is peaked and you find yourself interested in working with me in some capacity, please fill out the form below with your info and interests and I’ll get back to you asap. Have a great day, Robert
